Building a Halbach array
Step-by-step instructions for those keen on experimenting
Online since: 07/04/2010,
Number of visits: 597843
I'd like to present to you step-by-step instructions on how to build a Halbach array.
The Halbach array is a special arrangement of magnets, which "bend" the magnetic flux: On the one side the magnetic field becomes up to twice as strong, on the other one it decreases.
The longer the arrangement the stronger the effect.
Note from the supermagnete team:
The following video is from our customer Mirko Pafundi and shows a slightly different approach than Mr.
Bos' detailed instructions - you choose your favorite.

Material needed:
- 1 medium-size piece of iron or steel (approx. 20 x 15 cm)
- 1 small piece of iron or steel (approx. 10 x 3 cm)
- Straight piece of non-magnetic material, e.g. copper or wood
- Strong adhesive, e.g. UHU MAX REPAIR
- Small spatula or something similar to apply adhesive
- Transparent adhesive tape
- Waterproof felt-tip pen
- Sand paper
- Neodymium magnets (at least 6), e.g. W-07-N or Q-15-04-04-MN
Remove the iron pieces after drying.
The top piece can be removed easily.
Thanks to the Halbach arrangement, the magnets strongly adhere to the bottom piece though.
How to remove the bottom piece: Place the magnets on the edge of a table (see picture below), hold on to the magnets and slowly push the iron piece downwards.
Now, the Halbach array is complete!
Caution: This magnet arrangement is very strong and breaks easily at heavy collisions!
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