Pimp your crutches
How two small magnets can make the life of a crutch user easier
Online since: 09/11/2009,
Number of visits: 381256
After a knee injury I had to move around with crutches for several months.
Everyone who ever used crutches knows that they have the annoying tendency to fall to the ground whenever you lean them against something.
It would literally take a niche in the wall to keep them up.
Even leaning against a chair, the crutches are pretty unstable...
Further problems arise when you have to hold both crutches in one hand if you want to open a door for instance or if you want to pick something up from the floor.
Due to the injury I could not bend my knee, so I had a hard time picking something up from the floor.
Therefore, it was very important that the crutches don't fall to to the floor constantly!
I could mention a bunch of other examples.
But thanks to two magnets, I was able to improve my situation considerably.
I just had to glue one S-20-02-N disc magnet
on each crutch handle.
Below are two possible uses for these tricked out crutches.
Additional comments by Branko Bürgin from Switzerland:
Anyone who has to use crutches knows how quickly they can fall to the floor and how hard it is to pick them up.
It was my goal to be able to place/lean the crutches against a wall or any other spot.
Pot magnets with screw socket M4 Ø 20 mm
(north and south poles), screw-fastened to pipe brackets, make it possible to connect the crutches; allowing you to have a hand free to open the door, grab the mobile phone, pay at the till or place them anywhere.
A “magnetised” crutch can also be parked everywhere where there is iron involved.
With adhesive metal circles (30 mm diameter) it is easy to create an “adhesion surface” almost anywhere (bathroom, coat rack, etc.).
I have been selling this solution for several years under the name kruxX.
You can find additional information as well as an online shop at www.kruxx.ch. If you have questions, you can contact me by sending an e-mail to [email protected].
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